Coffee Ceremony

If you are trying to make your event memorable, experience our Coffee Ceremony!

As the birthplace of coffee, Ethiopians have a unique and sensual method to enjoy the national drink: the coffee ceremony. Muluya Essentials brings the beautiful Ethiopian coffee ceremony to your space. The ceremony begins with the roasting of raw beans and brewing the coffee — all in front of your guests. The aromas of coffee beans roasting and ancient Ethiopian incense give your event a sensual ambience you can only find if you travel thousands of miles to lush mountaintops of Ethiopia.

The coffee is brewed in the jabena, the iconic black clay coffee pot symbolic of Ethiopian culture, over a hot coal. The delicious and aromatic coffee is served in small coffee cups in three rounds. The deliberate ceremony affords families and friends time to pause and  enjoy each other’s  company over sips of delicious home-roasted coffee. If you planning a small get-together or throwing a major celebration, Call us! We will make your party memorable with the relaxed and cozy experience of our coffee ceremony